'* Class QHTML Version 1.0 L Pascal Delcombel-2003-2008 *
' Class to show (readonly) simplified HTML pages. *
' Principle: no API no DLL *
' (in order to be switchable to Linux version) *
' > just a few of the tags supported (ie TABLE not included so far...) *
' > no frame so far *
' > maximum of 200 000 elements (because no way to do dynamically redim *
' arrays from within a QObj) *
' you may change that number to smaller or greater one (and smaller *
' or greater html pages) through constant htmlMaxElements, here below* *
' > no formulaire (button, field, ...) *
' > no download !! *
' > see OnLoadImage to use external routine in order to load pictures *
' like jpeg , GIF and other image files *
' Events *
' ****** *
' OnHover(TypeObject as String, URL as String, x as long, y as long _*
' , shift as long) *
' -- TypeObject HREF or Tag Type *
' -- URL URL/Filename (if HREF) or hovered text/tag *
' ****** *
' OnTagClick(URL as String, x as long, y as long, shift as long) *
' -- URL HREF (URL or FileName) *
' ****** *
' OnLoadImage(Image as QImage, FileName as String) *
' -- Image QImage in which loading the FileName image *
' -- FileName FileName of the image to be loaded *
' Properties *
' ********** *
' HTMLTExt as String RW get/set HTMLText *
' DefaultFontName RW get/set default font name *
' DefaultFontSize RW get/set default font size *
' DocumentTitle R get html page title *
' PopUpMenu RW get/set popupmenu (heritage) *
' Methods *
' ******* *
' OpenFile(FileName as String) *
' -- FileName (not URL so far) *
' ******* *
' Repaint *
' ******* *
' PrintPreview *
' ******* *
' SearchText(Text as String,Popupwindow as Integer) *
' -- Text Text to be searched *
' -- Popupwindow True to open popup window / false otherwise *