' Displays Window's Open and Save Dialogs
' The main advantage of this INC is that the Dialog is the Sizeable Type
' It also by default shows the windows overwrite warning on the Savedialog
' this can be optioned out if no warning is desired.
' All the other parameters are the same as the QDialogs
' USAGE: MYFILENAME$=RQSHOWDIALOG(MyCaption$, _ ' default is "Open" or "Save"
' MyFilter$, _ ' default is All Files
' FilterIndex%, _ ' default is 0
' MyInitialDirectory$, _ ' default is current directory
' WantSaveDialog%, _ ' 1=Save 0=Open - default is Open
' NoOverwriteWarning%, _ ' default is 0
' MyFormHandle&) ' Form handle or 0 .. default is 0 - see below
' WantSaveDialog%=1 for a Save Dialog =0 for an Open Dialog
' NoOverwriteWarning%=1 for defeating the default warning when about to overwrite an existing file
' MyFormHandle& = MyForm.Handle ( so that the dialog knows which form
' to be modal to and where to locate) =0 for nonmodal(not advised)
' EXAMPLE: FileName$=RQShowDialog("Save File","RQ Files|*.bas;*.rqb","C:\RapidQ",1,0,Form.Handle)