vidnum$ Convert Function Windows

A  function that returns the string representation of  of a rounded numeric expression.

Syntax: vidnum$ (numeric-expression, dig%)

Num$ = vidnum$ (999999.2366666666, 4)
Return  999999.2367

Num$ = vidnum$ (-0.236, 4)
Return  -0.236

Num$ =vidnum$ (-12389.236, -2)
Return -12400

The absolute value of function returns the unsigned magnitude of its argument. So, ABS(-1) and ABS(1) are both 1.

function Hex2Dec (HexStr as string) as string

A function that returns the decimal (base 10) representation of the hexidecimal (base 16) string expression

function DecToHex (Dec as string) as string
A function that returns the hexidecimal (base 16) representation of the (base 10) string expression

String  is not pre-padded with 0's

function Add0Before (NumStr as string , ReqLength as int) as string
A function that pre-padd string with 0's to required Length

print Add0Before("-387.35" , 8) 
